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DIY Paper Flower Craft 1.0
Mike Govrik
Learning how to make paper flower crafts isavery delightful and relaxing hobby that will help make newfriendsand impress bystanders.Last summer my sister and my brother in law along with theirsixold year niece relocated to my town. They stayed with my wifeand Iuntil they found a suitable home for themselves. In themeantime mylittle niece began withdrawing and displayed amelancholy demeanor.She was feeling lonely and like a stranger in anew environment andwe recognized that she needed to make a fewfriends to become morecomfortable and familiar with her newsurroundings.She took an interest in my paper flower crafts hobby andthischeered her up and made her forget about her problems to adegree.Since there were a couple of kids around her age on mystreet Idecided to speak with their parents and invite them over tomeet myniece.I got them all to make paper flower craft projects andtheyquickly became friendly. My niece has now settled in to hernewenvironment thanks to the camaraderie that our paper flowercraftsintroduced.Here is our first project we all did together...There are only a few supplies you might need to pick up atthehobby shop or craft store. First, is the tissue paper (crepepaper)and some colored sheets of cardboard paper. If you don't haveglueand colored markers at home, then you will need to alsopurchasethem. Also, two pairs of scissors (one large and one smallpair)which you can find at any store. The last item is a good,creativeimagination willing to open up and let ideas flow out of.Any imageof paper flower crafts that you think up (within reason ofcourse)can be created in a short period time with no previousskillsneeded.Everything from single sheet cardboard cut-outs of flowersthatis used for the trimming inside the house to 3-dimensionalpaperflower crafts that are placed anywhere and everywhere inviewingsight can be made with this hobby.One of my favorite paper flower crafts is the pattern oftheyoung child's hand.1. Place your child's hand on a piece of colored cardboardpaperand trace it.2. Cut the image of the hand out from the paper.3. Use a pencil to curl the fingers.4. Use the palm of the hand and make a cone (fingers shouldpointoutward).5. Glue the paper flower hand print around a straw, orsomethingconsisting of that shape.6. Cut some shapes of leaves out of the green construction paperandthen glue them to spots on the straw. Repeat this process asmanytimes as desired to create a lovely bouquet of beautiful papercraftflowers.There are no other hobbies that I know of that are so much funandinexpensive to do that anybody can do at any age. Learning howtomake paper flower crafts is very relaxing anddevelopshabit-forming ways that people can use to express theirartisticcreativity to their friends, or just to meet new people.Peoplewill comment on certain crafts that you have created and thiswillgive you a feeling of gratitude and accomplishment. Whetheryourlooking for a way to meet your new neighbor, or looking for anewrelaxing hobby, making paper flower crafts is an excellent waytodo it.
Hand Knitting Tutorials 1.0
Mike Govrik
Monday Machine Knitting: On this day youcouldwrite about the differences between machine knitting versushandknitting, pros, cons, patterns, and so forth. Some greattutorialtopics would be how to convert a hand knitting pattern intoamachine knitting pattern and how to work in rounds on aknittingmachine. There are also a lot of one day projects out thereformachine knitting, like making a SWEATER in one day. Youcouldreview different machine knitting patterns, projectsandaccessories.Tuesday Twos: Get it? Knit one, purl two? Okay, so maybe I'mnotas witty as I think I am, but you get the idea. You're lookingfora daily theme that you can easily write about. This couldbepatterns, frustrations, whatever comes up when you're knitting.Ofcourse, knitting is just the example here, the same goes foranycraft or really any topic at all, books, movies,cooking,collectibles, whatever your site is about.Wednesday WIPs: If you're wondering WIP stands for work(s)inprogress. So, sticking with our knitting example this wouldbewhatever projects you are currently working on. Sharepictures,talk about mistakes you might have made while goingthrough thepattern, share a tip about the project.Most importantly get your readers involved, ask them whattheythink and ask them to share what they are working on aswell.You'll be surprised how many will blog about what they'redoingalso and include a link back to your blog post talking aboutworksin progress. It really builds that community feeling evenmore.Thursday Threads: Product reviews could go on this day.Talkabout that awesome luxurious new wool you just bought, or theshinynew needles. Again, if you've got an affiliate link throw thatinthere and all the better.Friday Free Patterns: Here is another opportunity to talkaboutproducts that you're using and the free patterns that you'vefoundon the internet. The nice thing about free patterns is thattheyfree us up to splurge a little more on the supplies. Tellyourreaders about the great hand dyed yarn you bought to stitchthatscarf.Even better if you create your own patterns and share themwithyour readers. You'll find yourself with a following of fans innotime at all.Saturday Scarves and Socks: I couldn't think of an S word togowith the knitting category, so I threw in the scarves andSOCKS,because everyone always seems to be knitting one or the otheratany given moment. I personally wish that I could knit, just soIcould make some of the great sock patterns I've seen ontheinternet.Sunday Wild Cards: I like to leave Sunday as a wild carddaywhere I might or might not blog. If I do then I just go off thetopof my head.Now, you've got a basic outline to follow each and every week.Ofcourse, if something doesn't apply one week you don't have tostickto the outline, write what's applicable when it's fresh.Also, don't be afraid to send out more than one post perday.Let's say you've already written your usual Wednesday post,andthen your favorite knitting shop sends out an email for a onedayonly sale and you want to blog about it and shout it fromtherooftops. Don't hold back on that, go for it. It's relevant,yourreaders are going to love it, and if you've got an affiliatelinkfor that particular shop it's even better.If you're just getting started as a craft blogger or want togetstarted check out How to Start a Craft Blog for Fun andProfit.It's a great guide that can give a nice boost to anyonelooking tomake a go of blogging professionally in the craft niche.Getstarted today! It's easier than you might think.
Doodle Art Designs 1.0
Mike Govrik
Preschoolers just love to draw picturesandgoofy images all day. It is easy form to get stains in CLOTHESandfaces while caught up making goofy doodles. Most of the time,thiswould also mean a huge mess for moms and dads to clean up. Isitpossible to encourage drawing to children minus the mess?AquaDoodle makes it achievable. The great thing is drawing anddoodlingis taken to a whole new level that kids will surely enjoy.Aqua doodle is a drawing toy especially designed forpreschoolaged kids. A hydrochromatic ink causes color changes asyour kiddraw his masterpiece with a water filled pen. The drawingswillstay on for several minutes and dramatically fade intomysticalfun.The Aqua Doodle set comes in a fun activity set composed oftwopieces. It includes a large doodle mat which serves as thecanvassof the masterpieces of your little one. It is also EQUIPPEDwith amagic water pen which he uses to doodle to his heart'scontent.The mat is designed with attractive borders. It also featurestheletters of the alphabet around its edges so children willremembertheir basic learning. Wide expanse of the mat willencourage theimagination and creativity of children to draw funimages, createstories, and practice their writing skills.Once filled up with water, the magic pen leaves traces ofbluewhich will disappear. Not to worry though because your kidswillhave plenty of time to admire their handiwork as the ink fadesverygradually. This fun design will spark up the imagination ofkids.Children love the idea of magic that is why they will gethookedwith Aqua Doodle.Because the alphabet is printed around the borders, childrenwillalso have an easier time to practice their writing. This wouldalsomake retention more effective. The excitement that thismagicaldrawing mat sets off will move kids to spend hours doodlingandwriting. Eventually, repetition will make them more skillfultomaster the arts of letters and drawing.Drawing images effectively hones eye-hand coordination. Astheywork to draw out the curves and lines of the images in theirmind,their hands and eyes harmonize to produce theirdesiredpicture.Aqua Doodle comes in a foldable mat for parents to cleanupeasily. More IMPORTANTLY, it is a powerful tool toencourageimagination, creativity, and hone eye-handcoordination.
Scarf Knitting Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
Of all the scarf knitting patterns outthere,nothing makes a beautiful and bold fashion statement asthisdazzling confetti scarf. The best part of making this projectisthat it makes use of large needles that make the yarn superblyeasyand simple to knit!You'll need:1. 160 meters of bulky ribbon yarn2. Size 15 US needles3. Stitch markers, crochet hook and tapestry needleGauge: The gauge is not critical due to the loose texture ofthepiece.Size: The length is approximately 66 inches which includesthefringe; width is approximately 4 inches.Let's start!1. Begin by casting on 14 stitches2. For Row 1: knit3. For Row 2: purl4. Switch to garter stitch by knitting every row untiltheproject measures about 50 inches.5. Purl one row, next, knit the last row.6. Bind off and don't forget to weave in the loose ends.How to make the fringe:I recommend using open stitch markers so that you canproperlydetermine where you want to place the fringe.1. Cut about 60 strands of yarn (about 18 inches each).2. Divide the strands of yarn in 12 groups, each oneconsistingof five fringe strands.3. Gather a group of 5 fringe strands, starting at one oftheshort edges.4. *Put in the crochet hook starting from back to front alltheway into the openings just above the second row of thepiece'sedge.5. Fold the fringe strands in half and make a loop by holdingthecut ends together.6. Next, put the loop on top of the hook and pull ithalfwaythrough the piece.7. To create a knot, pull the cut ends of the fringe throughtheloop. Do this with the hook still in place.8. To tighten, pull the fringe ends.9. Repeat from step 4 5 times, making sure to allow an evenspacebetween fringes along the scarf's edge, creating a total of 6groupsof fringes.10. Repeat the process at the opposite end of the scarf.11. Trim the fringes to at least 8 inches.
Embroidery Stitches 1.0
Mike Govrik
You can achieve a lot with justbasicembroidery stitches! Don't let the sheer number ofdifferentstitches that you will find in needlework books put youoff. Learnthem, one at a time, find out how much you can do witheach one,and before you know it you will be producing beautifulwork thatothers will admire. Don't believe me? Read on...Although used in a decorative way nowadays, many of thebasicembroidery stitches were first used in a functional manner. Icanremember learning how to create my own buttonholes, by hand,atschool using buttonhole stitch. And going further back intime,simple stitches were used to mark household linen, so thattheright items came back from the laundry. Of course somestitcheswere even used to create the fabric itself, in techniquessuch asneedlelace.And if you did not have a big enough piece of fabric youcouldalways sew many small pieces together to make a crazy quilt.Backin Victorian times basic embroidery stitches were used bothtodecorate, and hold the seams in place, on these ornatequiltblocks. A technique that is undergoing a rise in popularityagainnow, crazy quilting gives you an ideal base on which topracticedifferent stitches and combinations. You are not limited totheseams either, you can stitch motifs in the centre of thepatchesand really showcase your growing skills.So what can you do with just one stitch? How about a prettycrossstitched picture? A chart or pattern will show you whichcolor touse where, and before you know it you will have stitched awork ofart. Or if you don't want the hassle of changing colorshave a go atblackwork, often worked in a single shade, and ineither backstitchor double running stitch. You can't get mucheasier than that! Butthe complex looking patterns you create willmake your friends andfamily believe that you are a master with theneedle!Once you have a number of basic embroidery stitches underyourbelt you will begin to realize that many of them are usedindifferent ways to produce a variety of needlework techniques.TakeSatin stitch for example...you can fill in a petal on a piece of crewel embroidery,create kloster blocks in a piece of Norwegian Hardanger,pull the stitches really tight in Danish pulled thread orcover the canvas when stitching a needlepoint cushion...all using the basic stitch.Even a simple stitch can be worked in a variety of ways.Loosely,basic embroidery stitches break down into categoriesincludinglooped, knotted, straight, crossed and chained stitches.They can beworked in fine silks, cottons, thick yarns or evenribbon.
Paper Quilling Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
If you love making handmade cards andcrafts,for sure, you would love to find great paper quilling ideasyou canuse in your creations. You can use them in ornaments,topersonalize your gifts, in cards and scrapbooks, and manyotherthings you can do with it. In expressing your art, you canonlyhave your imagination as your limit.Of course in art, it is always good to have your own uniquestylein creating your crafts so that you can practice and honeyourskills and discover new things about it. Although this istrue, itcould also help a lot, especially in quilling, if you canstart withsome paper quilling ideas from others who have masteredthe craft.Then, from there, you can work on your own style as soonas youexplore many other things you can do with quilling.Anyway, we all have to start from the basics. Here are somebasicideas that you might find useful in your craft.You can select the size of the quilling paper depending onthedesign you have to make. The standard paper size you can use isthe1/8", which you can actually cut on your own in a paper trimmerorpaper shredder, although you may not get this size in ashredder.Buying pre-cut strips is a good option though if you wantthem tocurl perfectly. At least, you would get a uniformly sizedpaper.But if you are just starting out, you may also opt topractice onpaper that you cut yourself to at least save you a fewdollarswhile still trying your hand on the craft.To guide you through the correct size of paper you need, ifyourquilling project involves fine details, you may neednarrowerstrips of quilling paper such as 1/16" in size. For 3Dsculptingand fringe designs, you may want to use wider strips -1/2" or1/4". For basic designs or when practicing, 1/8" woulddo.You can also choose from a variety of color to help enhanceyourdesign and paper quilling ideas. If you are choosing yourownpaper, make sure you choose something that has the same coloratthe front and back of the paper, or else, it will mess upyourfinish product. A lightweight card stock will work nicely.Choosing your glue is also essential in making yourcraft.Surely, you would not want your quill design to be stainedwithvisible white glue all over. Choosing a glue that dries clearisrecommended to avoid messing up with your art. One way to helpyouin gluing your creations especially involving those fine curls,isto spread the glue thinly on a paper and with tweezers, youcanlightly press your quilled designs on it just enough for thebottomto get enough glue and stick it to your scrapbook or card.You canalso make use of toothpicks to help you with the gluing.If you have mastered the basics, you can then make yourowndesign and squeeze your creative juices to make designs thatarenot yet existing. This will truly unleash your creativity andallowyou to make your own style. If you want to learn morepaperquilling ideas and master the art of quilling, you first needtolearn how to make basic designs and shapes. You can findusefulresources that will teach you step by step on how to maketeardropdesigns to square designs and other patterns. It will alsobeuseful to observe from quilling masters and learn from them.
Knitting Sock Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
They provide comfort to our feet when weneedthem the most. Their soft, warm feeling allows us to treadacrossmany floors. They offer added protection for our feet. Madefrom awide variety of materials, and available in countless colors,sockshave become a very important accessory for all of us. Beforewe canenjoy the comfort of them though, they have to be made bysomeone.Knitting socks can be a great hobby for people who want tobecomemore versed in the wonderful craft of knitting. The key is tofinda great pattern that will work best for you. The nextimportantstep would be to choose a good quality sock yarn. Betweenthepattern and the sock yarn, there are many options to choosefrom.You'll also need a measuring tape and a needle of course.Whether you're a beginner, an expert, or you fall somewhereinbetween regarding the craft of knitting, there are a coupleofmethods that you can use. There's the double-pointedneedlesmethod, two circular needles method, or one circular needlemethod.There's also the Magic Loop Method, which only requires onelongcircular needle. It all depends on one's preference.The first step is to cast on your stitches. Secondly, knityourstitches, come across to the first row, and then purlthem.Thirdly, repeat this step, alternating and purling until thepiecefor each row measures out to be the inches that yourequire.Fourthly decrease the stitches in the following row, byknittingand purling the stitches together for the whole row. Thefifth stepis to cut the yarn, allowing enough remaining inches tosew theseam. Thread through your needles. Then place your needleunder theremaining stitches on the needle. Pull it through thestitches thesecond time and pull until the string is tight. Sew theseamtogether at the back of the sock. Then repeat the steps toensurethe size is the same.There are a lot of resources to aid an individual on learninghowto knit socks. Connect with a buddy and do it together as ahobby.There are also lots of social groups where people partakeinknitting, embroidery, crocheting, and quilting. You can findthesegroups locally, or even online.The fun thing about knitting socks is that when the productiscomplete, it's all yours. It's something that you have createdthatyou can be proud of. There are so many different designs thatyoucan use to create some of the most beautiful socks.Thepossibilities of the things you can create are endless.Thematerials are affordable, and you'll have a piece of art thatcanbe passed down to the generations in your family.
Crochet Mitten Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
Crocheting is certainly not my specialty.Ifyou asked me a week back what it was all about, you wouldhavegotten a blank stare, or a lame reason like; well, it's asimilarthing as knitting except the needles have hooks at the endso itcatches the yarn and loops into the opposite side. Yes ,prettylame, eh? I am sure, if I was inclined to crochet I couldfind someextremely simple crochet for newbies lessons out on thewebsomewhere. And whilst you are looking, see if you can findfreecrochet lessons and free crochet patterns too. My guess is,youknow someone who knows a way to crochet and is ready to sharethatknowledge for free. That just could be a better solutionsthanscouring the web. If not, dive into the web - you are suretodiscover help for newbies all over the place.Ok, I did get on the internet and I did find plenty offreecrochet patterns. Know what else I discovered? Thatcrochetpatterns are often hard to read for newbs like me. They havea lotof asterisks that really mean something so you can't just lookoverit as if it does not mean anything. I have discovered that I amnotalone when it comes to looking for patterns and help forknitting.Hey, there complete forums and blogs targeted on thisstuff. Thereare many patterns to select from and if you areplanning on ablanket or baby garments or maybe doll garments, youare sure tofind just what you want.My specialty is starting to become mittens. I love thesethings!My fave mittens are the ones made from the heart. You caneasilydownload crochet patterns free. You simply have to find therightone for you. What about you? What is your fave thing tocrochet? Ihave found some simple crochet mittens on crafting websites andcrochet sites. Typically they are free and just have todownloadthem - those are the ones I like! Most of these sites havemorethan simply crochet oriented crafts - so before you leave checkouttheir offerings - you may find some good stuff. It is a win-winforboth of you. For Ma's Day I saw plenty of crochet projects likeanAfghan with sleeves or a crochet clutch purse. I adoreclutchpurses, so I know this would have been a good present forothermom's too.
Crochet Vest Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
If you have ever been interested in knittingorcrocheting, then chances are you have heard of somethingreferred toas Tunisian crochet. In this article we will cover someof thehistory as well as some ideas for using TunisiancrochetInstructions.This particular kind of crocheting differs fromclassicalcrocheting and knitting in many key ways. We are going tocoversome of the basic instructions on Tunisian crochet.Tunisiancrochet is considered by the majority to be a hybridbetweenknitting and crochet. The distinct fabrics created bythisparticular technique look more as if they have been wovenratherthan knitted or crocheted.Tunisian crocheting is done on a long hook with a stopper ontheend of it and the hook on the other. This is similar to aknittingneedle in the fact that it is long. The stopper keeps themanystitches held on to the tool.Tunisian crochet is different from the other two other formsofcreating fabric in the fact that each row is done in twospecificpasses. First is the forward pass in which the loops areworked onto the hook and then there is the reverse pass, where theloops areworked off of the back of the hook.When you are doing any sort of Tunisian crochet the work isneverturned, meaning that the right side of the fabric will alwaysremainfacing the correct side. Another name for this particularkind ofcrochet is Afghan crochet or the Afghan stitch.This particular type of crochet creates a more tightlywovenfabric and is perfect for things like blankets or sweatshirts.The fabric this crocheted material produces is very warmandworks well insulating the body. As this kind of crochet makesthefabric lock tighter together. Which of course means that itisgoing to be more likely to keep out the cold elements becauseofthe fact that there are fewer openings in which wind canflow.Afghan rugs (blankets) have become valuable because of thiskindof crocheting creates an almost air tight kind of blanket.Whichmeans that it is going to remain warm unless it gets wet,howeverif you manage to keep it dry it is a great insulator whetherit bea shirt or a blanket. A vest made with this particulartechnique itisextremely effective to wear underneath a jacket asprotectionagainst the weather.Many items can be made using Tunisian crochetinstructionsbesides a vest. There are beautiful baby blankest,shawls, rugs,and even toys. This is a wonderful and fun stitch thatcan beapplied to many projects.
Sandals Designs 1.0
Mike Govrik
One size does not fit all when it comestosandal foot support. Most problems with our feet are causedbyill-fitting footwear, so it is important to determine what kindoffeet you have, and then purchase the appropriate footwear foryourfoot. So much is riding on those feet that you don't want toriskthem!When you are talking about foot support in sandals, one needstorefer to proper support for the average population andpropersupport for those with what is commonly referred to as"flatfeet".Birkenstock conducted a study* of subjects with bothflat-footedsubjects and regular subjects, and its scientists cameto thefollowing conclusions;Flat Feet Need Higher Arch SupportsFor the flat foot, or pes planus, a moderately high archsupportwill result in faster walking speeds and a more powerfulfootoverall. It is highly recommended that those with flatfeetpurchase a sandal with arch support.Average Feet Need RoomThe Birkenstock study was inconclusive about what would bebestfor the normal foot - most of the subjects in the study (twentyoutof twenty-seven to be exact) had flat feet. What does thenormalfoot need to make a properly fitting sandal?First of all, the sandal should have some extra room.Nothingshould be too tight, and your feet should not be touchingthe edgeof the sandal. Make sure that there is 1/8 to 1/4 inch ofspace allthe way around your foot.Secondly, one should avoid flip flops if proper foot supportisparamount. Flip flops produce aches and pains in the feet ifwornfor prolonged periods of time that are signals that bad thingsarehappening to your feet.Which Straps Tie You Up?If the sandal is being worn in a dressier kind ofsituation,leather and suede straps will do. If you intend onreplacing yoursneakers with sandals, you will need a cloth orsynthetic strapthat allows your foot room to move.Cup That HeelThe best sandals for fit have a heel cup, a cup underneaththeheel that cushions the heel. This cup absorbs the extrastressesput on the heel, especially by us heavy walkers!Leave Room on TopJust as you've left room for your foot around the edge ofthesandal, you need to make sure that you leave an extra inch or soofstrap on top of your foot to account for activity andconsequentswelling. A little slack keeps your feet healthy!Heavier? Get Arch SupportIf you are overweight you are more subject to plantarfasciitis,or pain in the heel caused by overstressed feet. Thiswill tend tospike you in the feet first thing in the morning.Take some of the load off with a moderately high archsupport,similar to that prescribed for flat feet. Your heels willthank youwhen they don't hurt anymore! Plantar fasciitis canactually feellike you've stretched a muscle or tendon, because thatisessentially what is going on. If you've just started anexerciseregimen, stretch your feet more; this is probably the causeratherthan your footwear. You just need to keep on moving and thepainwill go away.
T shirt Design Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
Ordering custom printed t-shirts has neverbeeneasier with the help of the internet. Most the top printersgivecustomers the ability to design their own using specialtysoftwareon their websites. A guest can choose the shirt, the text,thedesign, and the quantity. Prices are generally much lower thantheyare at traditional brick and mortar print shops.How do they do it? It really is quite simple. E-storesarecheaper to run that regular retail establishments. Ownersdon'thave to pay for rent, a large staff, or for security. Alltheyreally need is access to the internet, a reliable shippingcompany,and printing equipment and materials. The money they saveon rentand staff can be passed on to the consumer.T-shirt Design IdeaWhen shoppers order from online printers, they often buy inbulk.Since it is much cheaper to print more custom shirts and shipthemafter the design is finalized, they generally order hundredsofcustom garments. Probably the most popular custom jobs areprojectsfor high schools, colleges, and universities.These jobs may include hundreds, even thousands of shirts andthet-shirt design idea is often quite simple. Graduation t-shirtsareprobably the most popular custom job for online printers,butcolleges are even more sought after. A printing job thatinvolvescustom t-shirts or sweatshirts for thousands ofundergraduates canbe quite lucrative. Let us take a moment toreview a few otherpopular design ideas.GroupsMembers of exclusive groups or clubs often like toidentifythemselves as such. There is a certain amount of pride thatcomeswith belonging to a club, group, or team. Perhaps that iswhycustom t-shirts are so popular with high school andcollegestudents. Members of the marching band, cheerleaders, andathletesorder custom t-shirts and garments. Coaches often purchasecustomclothing and give them as gifts to commemorate a winningseason ora state title. Of course, class shirts will always be themostpopular because they appeal to everyone in the class.What to Look For?Most online sellers offer two different printing methods:screenprinting and digital printing. Both produce high-qualitycustomgarments, though digital printing is generally moreexpensivebecause it offers more options. Not surprisingly, screenprintingis more popular, since it is not only cheaper, but alsoversatileenough to reproduce basic designs.The average t-shirt design idea is uncomplicated. Itgenerallyincludes a simple design and some text. For example, acustomt-shirt for a graduating high school class mightread"Congratulations Class of 2011." It may also include theschoollogo. A project like that could easily and affordably behandledwith simple screen printing.
Artistic Tattoo Fonts 1.0
Mike Govrik
If you're looking for a tattoo thatcontainswords, you really need to examine possible tattoo fonts tofind theone that's best for what you want. After all, tattoos arereallyworks of art. Not only that, but they are works of artthateveryone will be able to see on your body for the rest ofyourlife.There are many tattoo fonts to choose from. Thanks tothecomputer age, anything you can dream up can be used fortattoofonts. In fact, you can use software on the computer tocombine atattoo design with tattoo fonts and get a full image ofwhat yourfinished tattoo will look like. Then, all you need to dois printit and take it to the tattoo artist at the tattoo parloryou havechosen. They can then trace the tattoo onto your body foryou.Technological advances have really improved tattooingmethods.There are, of course, some tattoo fonts that are morepopularthan others. Fiery fonts and icy fonts are among the mostpopular.Those who want to look cool or spice things up often usetattoofonts like that. Old English is another popular font fortattooing.Any tattoo fonts can be used, but usually people choosethese fontsbecause they are eye-catching.What are tattoo fonts used for? Well, primarily they are usedtotattoo a person's name or initials. They're popular amongpeoplewho are dating. Sometimes tattoo fonts are used to tattoo thenameof a loved one who has died or the name of someone's pet orchild.The possibilities are endless, but those are the more popularusesfor tattoo fonts.Kanji Japanese calligraphy is another of the tattoo fonts youmaywant to consider using. Originally Kanji was used to write onbonesin a formal way. The rounded, natural calligraphy is oftenused,these days, by Japanese people to achieve an old-fashionedappeal.These days, Kanji has evolved a bit. It's split off intotwodifferent styles. One is SOSHO Kanji and one is MINCHOKanji.MINCHO Kanji is the equivalent of Times New Roman inEnglishletters to the Japanese. It's the font found commonly innewspapersin Japan. MINCHO style is a bit formal and is starting tobe usedeverywhere, even on billboards in Japan.SOSHO Kanji is more of a modern, cursive twist on theKanjistyle. It's usually brushed, which creates smooth, flowinglines.The movie âThe Last Samuraiâ used SOSHO Kanji lettering. It'salsocommon to see SOSHO Kanji lettering in places that teachmartialarts.If you want the perfect tattoo, consider not just the meaningofthe picture you choose, but also the origins and meaningsbehindthe tattoo fonts. Take the time to research and you'll besure tomake a good selection. That way you can use tattoo fontsthatreally make people take notice of your tattoo in apositiveway.
DIY Popsicle Stick Crafts 1.0
Mike Govrik
Its summer time beat the heat and keepsyourkids busy with Popsicle DIY crafts. Here, I am listing top 15ideasthat make them happy, and they could also use those creationsforvarious purposes. People of all ages could try it out and haveagreat fun. These crafts not only make them happy, but also agreatstress relief buster.· Photo frame:This is one of the easiest ways of creating using four totensticks to it. Arrange the sticks in Square, Pentagon, or anyshapeof your choice, and stick the photo back of it. You coulddecoratewith stones, buttons, beads, led light, and clay. There aremanyvariations of photo frames, you could also do some searchandgather ideas of making it.· Pen stand/ Vase:Pen stand/vase could be done in two ways. First, one isarrangingthe stick's zigzag or in square shape. Second method isplacing cupsor magazine rolls as base, and pasting it on them.· Coasters:Arrange it straight and wrap duck tape on them, now draw acircleusing compass or any shape devices. Paint your coasters withfabricor Acrylic, and apply a final varnish to it.· Cell Phone Holder:Arrange four sticks and make it a square, now repeat thestepsfor five times. Next, you need to paste the sticks on threesides,leaving one side. Now your phone holder is ready.· Letters Holder:Creating a card or letter holder is quite easy. You need abasewith six to 10. It should look like a slim rectangular boxwithsticks missing at one end. Don't paste it entirely, it shouldbepartial covered.· Jewelry:Making your own jewelry with popsicle sticks is not an easytask.You need to master in cutting it in desire shapes. Sometimes,itmight go wrong, so using sharp cutters would help increatingfantastic pieces.· Home DIY projects:Most of the kids would have great fun in creating Home andtheirfarm animals, characters, and other additional details totheirprojects.· Bookmarks:Draw your favorite characters on Cardboard or paste stickersatthe Popsicle end. Even, you could make bookmarks with yourfriend'sphotos, magazine pictures, foam sheets, etc.;· Lamp shadow:You need some LED or fancy color changing lights, and maketwopopsicle baskets. It should be of same size, and stick ittogether.You could also goggle for various popsicle lamp shadowstyles andideas.· Chandelier:It could be prepared around or square chandelier withdifferentlayers. Arrange it with circular base with hooks to attachit onthe roof. Next, you have to create two or three layers.· Box:You could create a simple box or multiple storage boxes foryourbeads, food spices, jewelry, etc.;· Puzzle game:Instead of spending some bucks for buying a puzzle game,youcould make one for yourself. You require some photos or if youcanpaint, paint the sticks.· Popsicle characters:You could make your own favorite characters likeDisney'scartoon, angry birds, animal faces, smiley, etc.; you couldalsouse it as bookmarks.· Furniture:In kid's project, and home decorative, you could makefurniturelike chair, bed, swing, and baby cradle. Adding some dollsor toys,ornaments make your craft amazing.· Christmas tree:Take four green sticks or you could paint them usingacryliccolor. Place one vertically, and three horizontally withdifferentin size lengths.
Crochet Doll Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
Most people who crochet have madedoilies,motifs, edgings or insertions at some time. If you can makethese,you can easily convert them into beautiful clothes for aBarbiedoll. The wonderful thing about crochet is that you caneasilychange the size by using smaller thread or a smaller hook. Ifyouhave a pattern that you love but find the motif is too large,youcan make it smaller, and vice versa. These are ideas I usedmanytimes over the years to make doll clothes. Remember, there aresomany varieties of thread; white, ecru, pastels, brightcolours,metallic.Beading adds a wonderful look to Barbie's clothes. Ribbon isrunthrough small holes and either tied or you can place a smallpieceof velcro on each end.Any motif can be filled in or very lacy; simply place thelacymotif over a piece of fabric lining and tack the corners.Barbie's dimensions are:Bust: 6"Waist: 3 3/4"Hips: 5"To make a cape:Crochet any square motif.You will want it an inch wider than Barbie's shoulders.Crochet a beading row and run small ribbon throughthebeading.Tie around Barbie's shoulders.To make a skirt:Each skirt will have either elastic thread around the top tomakea full skirt or sew up the back to 1" from the top and putribbonbeading around the top.Remember that the elastic must go over Barbie's hips so itmustmeasure 5 1/2" when stretched.Also remember to leave enough elastic to tie. After you tie, runtheends back through the top and snip leaving at least 1/2". I putadab of liquid sewing on the ends to keep from unravelling.Crochet two motifs larger than Barbie's hips and join.orCrochet several small motifs and join (this can be made indifferentcolours for a patchwork look).Crochet a picot or ruffled edging around the bottom.To make a pinafore apron:Crochet one large motif for the bottom of the apron and asmallermotif for the apron bib.Crochet beading on the top of each motif and join thetwomotifs.Run ribbon through the beading for ties.To make an easy top.Use your favourite insertion pattern. Crochet two; eachmeasuring6 1/2" wide and as long or as short as you wish,depending onwhether you want it midriff, waist length or longer.Join the sidesto the arm pits and join the insertions at the topwith just one ortwo stitches so it will pull over her head.A Slinky Dress or Top from Elastic Thread:Using elastic thread (gold metallic is the fashion rightnow),crochet a square in sc 5 3/4" wide and choose your length(waist,mini, knee or full length). This dress will be sleevelessand slideonto Barbie. It must be narrower than her bust or it willslidedown. Add a gold ribbon around her waist.To make Beading:Join thread at corner; * ch 2, sk 2 ch, dc in next ch;repeatfrom * across.Run ribbon through beading.
How to Knit Tutorial 1.0
Mike Govrik
Knitting has been a favorite pastime ofmanywomen for several centuries. It is a difficult skill and hasturnedout to be an income-earning endeavor. However, those wholearn howto knit derive tremendous satisfaction from working onthesecomplicated stitches for long hours. Knitting remains apreferredhobby despite the emergence of more sophisticated leisurepursuits.You can make a lot of patterns using two long needles ifyou put ina lot of creativity into knitting. Besides, it makes yourelax whenyour fingers become nimble while stitching.There are numerous tutorial lessons that can be followed soyoucan learn how to knit. But first, here is a simple guide on howtostart knitting:One of the basics in knitting is become an expert in fashioningaslip knot. Slip knots are identical for knitting andmakingcrochets. You need to allow a four-inch tail and spin thisend overthe thread. Turn over this tail beneath the loop that youcreatedso it goes down the midpoint of the loop from the back. Pullthistail a little through the circle and place one of the needlesintothe smaller loop. Tug the loop around the knitting needle andthisbecomes your slip knot.Another step that you have to learn is casting. Hold the needlebyway of the slip knot making use of your left hand. Press ontheneedle in your right all the way through the knot at the backofthe second needle. Enfold the wool from the thread ballbetweenboth needles. Thrust the needle in your right hand next tothe onein your left and pull the thread that you draped around theloop ofyour slip knot. Push the two loops towards the top of theneedleand move the loop on the right to the left. Create anotherloop andtransfer again from the right to the left hand needle.Repeat thisprocedure until you have casted numerous stitches.The knit stitch is done after you have caste on the first queue.Youneed to wrap the thread the opposite way around yourrightneedle.It is important to gain knowledge of the fundamental stitchesandhow to create various patterns. So far, the knit stitch is themostcommon and adaptable technique in sewing. You have tounderstandthe particulars such as weaving the thread by means ofyour fingersor looking for other techniques in knitting.
Latest Blouse Designs 1.0
Mike Govrik
Bollywood is a stage where style takes anumberof turns and twists. When women want to dress in style andpoise,bollywood latest sarees are regarded to be the finestattire. Theyencompass the influence to make a person appear hot,rich andfashionable. There are a number of latest styles that canbeimplemented to appear different every time while putting onthissuperb masterpiece. Bollywood sarees have been regarded as suchdueto their technique of tying and actually, the ordinary peoplehaveadopted their style.What makes them more appealing?Adding elegance to the Bollywood sarees is the type ofjobengraved on them. Bootees, borders, embroidery and patchwork areanumber of the designs that improve the appeal of the whole workofmastermind. In coming up with such sarees, the fashiondesignerstoil hard to offer something diverse to each actress,bearing inmind their body tone and skin tone. Most recently, thestyle issuch that the whole saree is dyed in a single color withthe borderknown in distinction and that as well of velvet materialon whichthe patterns are carved out.How popular wearers of sarees pull them offBollywood actors are popular for making fashionstatementsthrough Bollywood latest sarees they put on. In addition,thedesign of the blouse makes them appear all the moreelegant.Backless, Halter neck, bustier and choli cut are few of thestylesof blouses of Bollywood latest sarees put on by actors.Thedesigners always experiment with these latest blouses as well.Forinstance, they would place moti on strips of the blouse or atrendylace is sewed above the straps. Aside from this, anadditional casehighlights thread exertion border carved on theedges of arms andblouse. All these fashionable blouses are adequateto talk on thesubject of the splendor linked with the Bollywoodlatestsarees.Amid Bollywood sarees, still sleeve styles can tote up thewholelook like short, long, doori sleeves, puff sleeves,sleeveless, netsleeves, three fourth, balloon sleeves, ruffles,frills, bows andcovered buttons. These latest patterns of sleeveshave as wellturned out to be a style amongst public and woman ofessence arepursuing such designs. Certainly, they enhance theattractivenessof the saree and form a style. In any case, sareeshave for alltime been a well-known piece of clothing thatencompasses each bitof sophistication in them. Therefore, they aredesigned in a waythat they can suit all kinds of woman, whetherslender or a littleobese.Where to buy bollywood sareesNowadays, Bollywood sarees are too accessible on internetstores.Not just Bollywood latest sarees; woman can as wellpurchase thelatest sarees put on by Bollywood actors in some sortof publicsale. Through this, they can acquire the finest of dealsanddesigns. What makes purchasing Bollywood latest sareesonlinesignificant is the accessibility of abundant patterns at asoleclick. The shoppers can pick from the existing variety andcontrastthe prices to get the most reasonable transaction ontheirmuch-loved saree. Furthermore, this form of trade preferenceisfinest to save on money and time.
Graffiti Art Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
Learning to draw great graffiti artrequireslots of skill and practice. There are several genres ofgraffitiart, but usually, graffiti art will mostly:-- be painted in vivid colors, to create emotive images andgrabattention-- include graffiti style lettering with letters that overlapandare drawn in 3DIn particular the use of the bold style lettering isreallydistinctive to graffiti art. The images themselves willusually behard hitting, and be painted in stark colors utilizingstrongshadows and outlines to add depth and definition. Imagesusuallydepict social or political issues close to the artist'sheart.Before you start a piece of graffiti art, you should draw asmallscale version of the large piece you want to create first,then whenyou begin your actual piece, its a simple task of justscaling upyour graffiti sketch.If you need ideas for a graffiti font to use, there are plentyofsites online that have examples for you to copy. For theoutlines,use a fine marker pen. In order to produce a 3D effect,shade aroundthe letters you've outlined with a different color.Then usepermanent markers to color in your letters.Once you are ready to paint your sketch on to your largercanvasor wall, you need to draw a reference grid over your smalldrawing.Sketch a full size replica of the grid on to your wall orcanvasthat you are using for your scaled up graffiti piece. Useeitherchalk, charcoal or diluted paint to draw the large grid. Tomakemarking the grid out easier, the simplest thing to do is to useapiece of string.Use chalk or charcoal to transfer your small drawing on toyoularger canvas. Use an aerosol can to paint the background inusingdiluted paint, keep the layer thin and allow it to dry beforeyoustart your coloring. When you've finished the outline andthebackground, it's time to add the colors and detail. Againuseaerosols to add the colors. Start with the lightest colorsfirstand the largest sections, and then move on to the detail andthesmaller areas last.When you've colored your work in, you can add the finedefinitionwith a brush to enhance the fine lines and bordersaround yourfigures and letters. You can preserve it for years tocome with athin layer of varnish.These are all the steps you need to master if you want topaintimpressive graffiti art.
Beginner Crochet Tutorials 1.0
Mike Govrik
What come to your mind when you hear thewordflowers, yes splendid colors mixed in one and refreshing to saytheleast. Be it real flowers that grow in your garden on thetheneighborhood park or even artificial ones that are availableinmultiple colors and also prints.With all the different colors and aura they come with canhelplighten the mood of the most distressed too. Flowers lightenmymood too. And the fact that I know crocheting it allows me tomakestupendous craft things with flower theme like fashionaccessoriesfor my beautiful daughter, which she can wear outdoors,and hatpins as well. Such designer flowers are rather easy tocraftprovided you have knowledge of Crochet.If you can find time to surf the net you will be able tofindwebsite that provide online tutorial for easy crochet flower.Thereare many websites or blogs out there on the internet whichshouldprovide you great content and tips on this subjectalone.Here I shall teach you how you can make a simple yetattractivecrochet flower.You can start with a plain crochet hook and 2-3 colors of yarn.Whyyarn? This thing can be made with threads too but I simplypreferyarn. Ensure that the dimension of the yarn is fitting wellwithhook size. Take your first color and use chain six.Revert to chain number one and do a dc and next go to chain two.Dothis time and again and put all these into chain number one.Youhave eight spokes in hand. Attach the circle with sl st inchainnumber 3 at your left (this is chain 3 from first spoke) Nowbuild(sc, ch 1, 2 dc, ch 1, sc) and then attach all arches youhavemade. In this way you learnt to make a petal.Do this in all eight arches and this will give you your 1stflower.Attach a sl st with 1st sc on the 1st petal. Rotate theflower.Pick another color of your choice, and then create aslipknot andplace a crochet hook beneath the color spoke and thendraw the 2ndcolor yarn through.You are left with two stitches on the hook, draw the hook besidestocreate one. Chain number six & work a dc throughsubsequentspoke, chains number three. Redo this dc, chain numberthree onevery spoke. Now create a sl st through 3rd chain of the1st rowthat you have already done.Now turn it to its flip side on right hand side. Place the 1stcolorpetals a little ahead and then do (sc, chain 1, 3 dc, chain1, sc)above every arch. Put together sl st through 1st sc. Castoff.With this your flower is prepared. Applying similar steps youcancreate 2,3,4 or even 5 with have different or similar colors.Withevery new whirls the flower size will grow bigger. So make onetheway that you really want to do.
Newspaper Recycle Craft 1.0
Mike Govrik
Handmade articles made out fromrecycledmaterials have always been a part of home decor sinceancienttimes. Interior decoration has become a part and parcel ofeveryhousehold that adds to the beauty and aesthetic value of eachandevery house. With a little effort and a creative touch, yourhousecould become one of the most pleasant abode that gives youarelaxed feel once you reach home from the hardships oftheday.Why is home decor important?Decorating your house adds value to your house and comfort ofyourfamily. Interior decoration reflects your lifestyle and ahousewith impressive interiors is sure to catch the envy ofyourneighbors. A carefully planned house decor can exalt yourhouse'sinfrastructure and can help you cover its defects. A housewithextravagant space lacking a good interior decoration will notstandbefore a little house that has the best placement of craftsaddingto its beauty.Is it costly?Many people restrain from interior decoration because of thefalsenotion that home decor comes at a heavy price. But the truthtellsa different story. While there are some quite expensive wayswhichrequire you to spend some extra shillings to achieve aqualitydecor from pro designers, interior decoration is not alwaysacostly affair. Many innovative ideas for home decor usingcraftsmade of recycled materials have proved to be both cheapandworthy.Recycled craftsSo what are the things that you can recycle? They can beanythingfrom a broken bulb to an old dressing table. All you needis alittle bit of creative thinking to make those dusty old tinsandclothes to become prized possessions on your shelves and walls.Oneof the most exciting parts of recycling old objects into craftsisthat there is no limit as to how you can use them. It alldependsupon your imagination and creativity. If you are lost onwhere tostart, try with the following examples.• Make pillow covers and cushion bags of various sizes andcolorsfrom your old t-shirts and sweaters.• Make tiny hanging gardens with broken bulbs and little ferns.Yourold boots can become planters that can be placed byyourwindows.• Greeting cards and birthday cards are remnants ofbeautifulmemories and they should not remain locked in yourcupboard. Makeplace mats out of our old birthday cards andphotos.• Turn your old wine bottles into beautiful lamps andvintagearts.• Never throw away your old CDs. You can transform old CDstoanything from door hangers to coasters for cups and candleholders.You can make beautiful wall decorations and wind chimeswithCDs.• Transform your old wallpapers to artistic murals ontoyourwalls.• Your old newspapers can become showcase items by a little magicoforigami.There are limitless possibilities of recycling unused itemsintoarticles of art. You can get numerous ideas on home decorbothonline and via magazines and television. Junk art has beengettingmore and more popular and the next time you decide tothrowsomething away, do think twice about how it can be recycled asadecorative item.
DIY Vegetable Garden 1.0
Mike Govrik
Do you live in the city and would love tohavea vegetable garden, but are constrained by a small gardenspace? Ifyou really want to grow your own fresh vegetables, thenthere is ananswer for you. You may want to plant a verticalvegetable gardenright there in your small area. A verticalvegetable gardening caneasily produce as much vegetables as anormal garden.Remember, you don't need to limit yourself to only growingoutdoorvertical gardens. While caring for a vegetable garden inyourapartment or other confined area could be a little tricky, it'snotimpossible and very rewarding. Gardening indoors will allow youtogrow vegetables that aren't found in your region's climate,offeryou better variety to choose from when planting. It has alsobeendemonstrated that live plants can improve the air quality insmallspaces. While it maybe necessary to have proper ventilationtoprevent any possible odors, others felt that they canbreathebetter and are generally calmer because of the refreshingoxygenemitted by your plants.Vertical vegetables gardens are not a new ideal however attimesthey are mistaken with a living wall. Since both living wallsandvertical vegetable gardens could be used for producingvegetablesand fruits, living walls are more focused on beauty thanproductionof food. This form of gardening could be done either inyourapartment or in your small backyard garden.In vertical gardening you train the vegetable plants togrowupwards. They have designed specific structures that containtheentire garden within a small area. With the proper frames andcrossshelving setups, you will find it's rather simple to trainyourplants to grow vertically.There are ready-made vertical gardening kits you can buy thatwilleliminate the guess-work in constructing your setup, however ifyouwant to you can do-it-yourself route. If you decide on aDIYmethod, be sure that the design structure you"re using tobuildyour vertical vegetable garden is capable of holding thematerials,soil, water, and the plants you want to grow in yourgarden as wellas the vegetables it will produce. While you can finddetailinformation online as to the weights of the different partsto yournew garden. We have found that such ready-made kits canoften savea lot of time - not only with setup, but also theyprevented lost"growing" time that you may encounter with wiltedplants that didnot get the proper amounts of water or soil.If you decided to build an indoor vertical vegetable garden,spendsome time looking for the ideal location, as your plants willneedenough sunlight to thrive. If you are in the city area wherelargebuildings block most of the natural light coming from yourpatio orwindowsills, you will need to BUY LAMPS that producedspecificlight to help in growing plants and vegetables.If you want a true organic garden, you will want to research howyoucan apply composting ways to the soil used in your verticalgardens.A proper drainage system is IMPORTANT, as well as goodaircirculation (whether indoors or out). NASA scientistshaveresearched a variety of vertical gardening methods, whichsuggestthat the supplies and processes of how to grow vegetablesand herbsvertically will continue to get better with advancetechnology.While large grid systems and advanced hydroponicwateringtechniques may not offer possible solutions for your cementporch,we can use the concepts and the ideas they create and canscalethem down to fit our own needs.It would be good to stick to some simple steps to make sureyoursuccess as you begin to learn how to work with your space andyourclimate restrictions when you grow your first garden. Forstarters,consider growing peas, green beans, cucumber, squash, limaplants,and tomatoes, as they are great climbing plants in NATURE.As youbecome more comfortable you can grow other types ofvegetables inyour vertical garden.
Summer Dress Inspiration 1.0
Mike Govrik
There is a gamut of choices for both menaswell as women ranging from casual to formal wear. Consideringthefact that summers would be hot and humid and the need to adheretostrict dress codes especially in workplaces, it is importantchoosesummer dresses that would meet both these criteria perfectlywell.It is quite obvious that you can't wear a spaghetti strap toptothe workplace when there are strict dress codes.Some tips to choose perfect summer outfits:The fabric that you wear must give enough room for the skintobreathe. Natural fabrics like cotton are the most preferreddressmaterial during the summer season.Choose light colors. Pastel shades will be the best bet forsummerseason. Avoid dark colored clothes as it will absorb heatmaking itvery uncomfortable in a hot and humid climate.Always buy loose fitting clothes for summer. However, ensure thatitfits in snugly around your waist in order to look slim.Do not wear clothes that will make you claustrophobic.With the summer 2013 rolling out, it is that time of the year tooptfor a complete makeover of your wardrobe.Let us check out the summer fashion trends of 2013Capes:If you thought that Capes are only for winter, then you arewrong.The Duchess satin capes, released by Burberry Prorsum, areaclassic example that capes can be the most desirable outfitduringthe summers as well. It is worth mentioning here thatHollywoodstar Anne Hathaway was seen elegantly draped in a cape atthe LesMiserables premiere after-party held in London.Oriental-inspired clothing:Italian fashion designer Miuccia Prada has come out with asummerclothing range inspired from the Oriental fashion. The rangeofKimonos in silks is a rage this summer amongthefashion-conscious.Leather skirts:Light-weight or weight-less leather skirts are the in-thingthissummer. Yes, people who thought the leathers were for winterhasbeen proven wrong by the fashion designers this year. Theseskirtswould be an ideal outfit for night parties during the summer.Tryout a stark black leather skirt with a sheer see-throughtank-topin lighter hues and be a cynosure of all eyes!Metallic hues:Metallic hues such as gold, silver, bronze, will turn out to beahit during the summer 2013 as it was the previous year. This isaGOOD INVESTMENT as metallic hues will be in trend for seasonstocome, predict fashion designers. Well, investing in metallichuedresses seems to be a safe investment.Top summer dresses 2013Monochrome Checks: Monochrome or black-and-white checked dresses-skirts, tops, maxi, etc., - are in fashion this summer.Large-sized white shirts:Starched, big-sized white shirts are trending this summer2013.Victoria Beckham did certainly look chic walking the ramp tocreatea fashion statement in an over-sized white shirt. The shirtdress,particularly with collars popping out, would look good.Tuxedo jackets in white:Christian Dior and Jean Pierre Braganza managed to steal theshowwhile walking the ramp along with Stella McCartney andUniquesporting white tuxedo jackets. The in-thing this summer wouldbethe Jaeger tux perfectly stitched with a rounded shoulder.Skinny trousers:Michael Kors wore a pair of skinny trousers and paired it withthesame design shirt, which made heads turn! Stripes, of course,arethe latest trend this summer.Split-front skirts:Flash a bit of your leg this summer by wearing a split-frontskirt!The best buy would be a monochrome split-front skirt.Frilly dress:Frilled dresses are still the hot favorite among women and havebeenmaking it to the summer fashion scene almost every year. Thisyear'sshade for summer is pink!
Kitchen Cabinet Styles 1.0
Mike Govrik
Historically, for most people, cabinetswerecabinets. From their inception, kitchen cabinet styles wereboxeswith or without doors on them that hung on kitchenwalls.Eventually base cabinets were added as housewivesacquiredadditional kitchenware and needed a place to put it. Thecabinetsdidn't have to be beautiful, because they were meant tobefunctional. Exceptions to this rule were in the mansions ofthewealthy who had intricately-carved wood andcustom-designedstyles.During the Victorian age, cabinetry, like the taste infurniture,wallpaper, and carpets, was particularly ornate, designedusingfine hardwoods. You may have had the opportunity to visit someofthese old homes and see the elaborate cabinetry theyenjoyed.Kitchen cabinet styles were pretty much limited to whatpeoplecould afford.Modern cabinets have evolved into many different styles in avarietyof different price ranges to meet the needs of everyhomeowner.Instead of just being basic boxes with shelves anylonger, there arenumerous specialty cabinets you can purchase,such as a pantry, acabinet with a pull-up shelf for a stand mixer,or open plate racks.Cabinets are available in solid woods likeoak, cherry, maple, andbirch in addition to those with melamine orwood veneers. Tastes canvary from streamlined contemporary stylesto ornate, hand-carvedmodels. It all depends on what youwant.The first thing to consider when choosing a kitchen cabinet styleisthe architectural style of your home. Most people prefer tohavekitchen cabinets that go with the flow of the home decorwhichmakes their kitchen look like it belongs with the rest ofthehouse. The most popular styles that you'll find forkitchencabinets include:* Traditional - formal kitchen cabinet style with hardwoods,darkstains, and polished brass hardware. Follows the styles of the18thand 19th century.* Contemporary - sleek, streamlined cabinetry with simple,basiclines and flush doors. Can be made of many differentmaterials,such as wood, glass, laminates, chrome, or stainlesssteel.* Shaker - very simple, plan wood cabinets finished with dyesandoils.* Country - simple lines for a very casual look. Finishedwithpaints or stains and either with or without doors* Rustic - knotty pine, strap hinges, and basic kitchencabinetstyle.* French Country - old world styling with ornate, carvedmoldingsand even feet, more like furniture than kitchencabinets.* Arts and Crafts - Square, bold lines done in Mission style.Oftenof oak.* Cottage - casual and cozy with mismatched looks, finishes,andhardware.With all of these different kitchen cabinet styles to choosefrom,there's sure to be one that will look perfect in your home andmeldyour kitchen into your overall décor. You can also addpersonaltouches to the styles of various cabinets. For instance,you mightwant to consider adding stained glass panels to the doorsor finishthem with colored glazes and exotic hardware. As you cansee,kitchen cabinets aren't just boxes any more. They're astatement ofyour good taste.
Baby Dress Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
With so many different styles of babydressesavailable on the market, Choosing to buy one as a presentfor yourgranddaughter can be very confusing, especially if you arebuyingit as a surprise, and do not want to consult with theparentsbeforehand. However, buying a dress for your Grandchild is alovelyexperience, especially if you have a fun family occasioncoming up,when you want to gather your whole family together tocelebrate.Here are some tips on how to choose baby dresses forchildrenroomates are not your own.1. Look at the colors of other items in the baby's repertoire,andchoose a baby dress the which is an Appropriate color. Someparentslove to dress Reviews their daughter up in pink, sparkly,princessoutfits, whilst others may loathe the thought of dressinginsomething pink Reviews their child. Some mothers loveyellow,whilst others may find the color sickly. If you do not seemuch ofa particular color in the recipient's current wardrobe, thenthereis probably a reason for that. Babies do not choose Reviewstheirown clothes, so you need to choose an item of clothing thewhichwill appeal to the parents.2. Think about what sort of occasion you are buying the babydressesfor. Nowadays there are lots of different types of dress onthemarket. Sleeper dresses are designed to be worn whilst the babyisasleep, and allow for quick and easy access if your baby needsto bechanged. Play dresses are designed to be tough enough to playin,and ready to be washed again and again. Occasional baby dressesareslightly different, Because they are designed to be worn onlyonspecial occasions. Choose one of these if you are planningongetting an outfit roomates you want to your granddaughter towearto a party.3. It is a good idea to buy baby dresses the which areslightlybigger than the ones the which you need, especially if youwant thedress to be worn in the future. Babies grow veryquicklyintervening (Quicker than you remember your childrengrowing!), Andbaby clothes roomates are made of cotton or wool havea tendency toshrink when they are first washed. Many mothers chooseto washReviews their baby's clothes before they are first worn, sobuyingan item the which is slightly too large Allows for thepossibilityof shrinkage and the growth of the baby.
Hand Embroidery Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
Embroidery is one of the mostinterestingcrafts that you can do at home and it has been enjoyedfor a longtime. Instead of it becoming a form of old art, it isstill verypopular. There have been some major things that havehappened withtechnology that have changed and improved embroideryas an artform. Instead of having to use your hands to slowly createeasydesigns, the use of digital machines for embroidery, save timeandmoney with this craft.There are very few people that like the basic traditional wayofcreating embroidery designs by hand. Instead of using a machinetobe the only way to create designs, they prefer to be creativewithsome of their own patterns. Hand embroidery gives them thisoptionbecause when you are using a machine, you are depending onthedigital machine and what it can do. This removes theuser'screativity because many of the designs are already intheCOMPUTER.Hand embroidery is harder to create and it takes up a largeamountof time for completion. Otherwise, it would also need crystalcleareyesight and coordination for using the thread and cloth. Itwouldalso take a large amount of patience and creative ideasbecause thesewer would have to use their imagination for thedesigns. In thecrowd of the kind of hand designs you can choosefrom, ribbon,canvas, lace, and cross-stitch exist.Many years' ages, the ribbon and laceembroidery[http://www.allthingsembroidery.com/] was created a lotto bringabout a floral embroidery design. This was an excellentpick forthose who were beginners in the world of embroidering byhandbecause it was simple to learn compared to the othermethods.The cross-stitch has been the major and the most popular typeofhand embroidering. This offers the sewer a larger amount ofdesignsto pick from. It is also simple but it is intricate workincounting the amount of stitches and the many colors that areneededto give you the right design. In the use of canvas, thecreatorwould use yarn and fabric to make many unique designs. It isnot agood idea for beginners to start with canvas work because itneedsa large amount of skills and experience.It does not matter which embroidery type you pick, handembroiderycan give you a feeling of confidence in your designsbecause theyare yours only. You can be creative and use yourimagination inways you could not before.
Crochet Rug Patterns 1.0
Mike Govrik
One of the most exciting sewing stagesisputting the pieces together and seeing the shape the materialismaking. However, this gratification isn't always realized untiltheperson designing the masterpiece claims he/she createdsomethinguses his/her own hands.Why Crocheting Is So PopularCrocheting is one of many forms in sewing; it's one way to produceawork of art form several pieces of yarn thread. Thus,crochetingallows a person to make something extravagant out of asimpleelement.This process allows a person to design any apparel that makesafashion statement such as a hat, dress, toddler outfit, etc. Withamixture of supple materials like yarn and the variety ofimportantcrochet stitches, a number of items can be made.The Popularity Behind Afghan Crochet PatternsThe afghan patterns are one of the most highly recognizableproductsin crocheting. In fact, you might recognize something inyour homeas being an afghan product. After all, families oftenhave afghanblankets that are handed down in families fromgeneration togeneration because they're durable andfashionable.Why is that? It's the way the material was created. Afghansarecreated through the outstanding techniques of crocheting.Thedesigner, using an array of crochet stitches andcarefulmanipulations, can think up a number of different afghancrochetpatterns. And, it's because of the number of differentpatternsthat are made that make afghan crochets suchwonderfulproducts.A Look Back At The Afghan HistoryThe afghan history can be linked to the time when people lovedtheAfghan Oriental rugs. In fact, the majority of folks thoughtthesepopular rugs struck a resemblance to afghan crochets, which iswhypeople associate this type of crochet with Oriental rugs.There'sno solid proof on whether or not the name "afghan" came fromthewell-liked rugs.Why People Try Their Hand At Afghan CrochetingPeople who have never tried their hand at making patterns andarelearning the different crocheting basics often choose theafghanfor their first design. Their reasoning to doing afghancrochetpatterns first is simple: the concept behind it is simple;there'slittle to no difficulty and it can be done without much of afuss.On top of that, the primary part of creating afghan crochetsis theapplication of important crochet stitches along with thevariety ofafghan patterns.Another reason for the popularity is its pattern. Accordingtocrochet experts, the task wouldn't be so easy if the patternswerenot there to help guide the creator.Since the beginning, people had a variety of afghan patternstochoose from. And, since that time, more were created to satisfythecravings of crochet fans who desire to make their creations abitmore unique.Of course, if more modern-day afghans are created for theindustry,the basic and simple afghan crochet patterns will stillwin peopleover.Common Afghan Crochet Patterns That Are Simple To Design1 - Granny Square AfghanOne of the most well-known afghan patterns is the grannysquareafghan. It tends to include a number of different shapeslikesquares, triangles, circles, etc. The shapes arecrochetedindividually then put together in a variety of figuresandthemes.2 - Single Crochet PatternThis pattern allows persons to make simple but elegantafghancrochet piece. There are two primary patterns with thesinglecrochet pattern:- Varied colored stripes pattern- Constant, dense color patternThe single crochet afghan pattern is typically used when a coverisbeing designed for a bed, chair or couch.3 - Chevron StripePeople who have never crocheted before can find this patternquitehelpful, as it helps them to learn the basics of crochetingwhilethey work to design a work of art.
Simple Wood Craft 1.0
Mike Govrik
If you are in need of a group project forakids club and would like to teach basic wood craftingskills,consider a simple birdhouse or shelf. For projects thissize, thewood craft supplies can be fairly cost effective,especially if youare willing to use scrap lumber and borrowed powertools. Manypeople are more than willing to donate or offer use oftools andsupplies, you may even get volunteers to help withteaching. Evenso, you will still need to buy a few essential woodcraft supplies.Check funds from your clubs treasury and make alist.Purchased Wood Craft SuppliesSandpaper-No matter what project you are undertaking, you willneedsandpaper to eliminate cut and splintered ends and tosmoothsurfaces. Sand paper comes in many grits, you will needanassortment of all kinds.Wood screws and nails-It just would not be wood workingwithoutdrilling or hammering. Purchase wood screws and nails thatare longenough to attach your wood together.Wood glue-Applying wood glue to joints before attaching withwoodscrews and nails will insure a long lasting bond. Once the gluehasbeen applied and the joints put together, wipe off any excessgluethat has squeezed out. Wood glue does not dry clear.Paint and stain-Small bottles of paint can be purchased atcraftstores or hardware stores. Clear spray sealer is a wonderfulfinishto apply to a birdhouse, after it has been completed, to sealthepaint from the weather.Borrowed Wood Craft SuppliesJig saw-This saw is a versatile tool for woodworking. It cancutdowels to size or cut simple shapes that have been drawn outonwood.Power drill and bits-Drilling a pilot hole before adding awoodscrew will eliminate splitting. Use a drill bit to drill thehole,change to a screwdriver bit and attach the screws.Miter saw-A chop saw is perfect for cutting straight cuts onnarrowboards and, as the name implies, mitering angles.Sander-An electric sander will give faster results than sandingbyhand, which can overwhelm some wood crafters. Some electricsandersare even small enough to reach tight corners.Clamps-A third hand is always nice when woodworking. Clamp woodtoaid while cutting, drilling or to hold glued pieces togetherwhileglue is drying.Measuring tape-There is an old saying, "Measure twice-cutonce".Enough said.Goggles-Eye protection is a necessity for all aspectsofwoodworking. If you can't see your project when you arefinishedwith it, it wasn't worth doing.Note: Never allow children to handle power tools of any kindwithoutconstant, hands on, adult supervision.The Internet is full of simple wood craft patterns that are freetodownload and copy. Consider designing your own if you can'tfindwhat you need or want. Visit your local library for anabundance ofbooks on the subject or scan the magazines at yourlocalsupermarket for wood craft topics.
Free Crochet Flower 1.0
Mike Govrik
It's National Sewing month in September.Justbecause it's sewing month, you shouldn't forget aboutcrocheting.You don't have to keep your mind on sewing, so crochetsomethingnice. I'm always on the lookout for free crochetpatterns,sometimes I don't have much luck, but you can always findsomethingonline.I love flowers and I love the way they smell. I thought tomyselfone day, why not find some free crochet flower patterns.It'sperfect. If I crochet a flower it will never wilt or die. Wehavemany crochet flower patterns to share.Free crochet flower hat patterns can also be found on our site.Mygrandma always used to make free crochet patterns forherself,friends and family. I have a hat that she made with a ballon top.It's my winter hat that I adore so much. I remember she madethisreally neat crochet flower hat pattern for one of my sisters.Itwas a brown hat with LIGHT blue yarn for the flower. I wasjealousshe got the cool hat and I only got the plain brownone.Did you know that you can crochet flowers themselves? I'mgettingmarried next summer and I'm trying to save money. I've cometorealization that flowers are going to be one of the mostexpensivethings for the wedding. I came across a free crochetflower patternand I fell in love with it right away. It looked justlike abouquet of regular flowers except they were made with yarn.Iwouldn't have to worry about the travel for the flowers either,ifthey fall over it's ok. Water won't fall out of a vase andtheywon't break. This may be the newest invention no one has heardofyet.The flowers I was planning on using for my wedding wereGerberDaisies. They just have a fun shape and beautiful brightcolors. Ilearned I can create my own crochet daisy bouquet. It'llnever beas great as my grandma's crochet flower hat pattern, but itwillstill be beautiful. Just picturing what the whole day willlooklike makes me smile.I'm not sure if there's a National Crochet month, but if not,thereshould be. Start crocheting all your beautiful patterns now.Getahead of the game and crochet some nice things for Christmasgifts,you'll be glad you did. And don't forget about all the freecrochetflower patterns we have to offer.Do something nice for yourself or for others. Crochet abeautifulpiece and send it to a charity. This will make you feelgood aboutyourself and it will help somebody out. Crochet an Afghanto keep ababy warm, you can find patterns on our site. Free crochetflowerhat patterns would look adorable on a little boy or girl.Crochethats are always nice to have for the winter time, especiallythiswinter. The way the weather has been who knows what kind ofwinterwe're going to have. So start crocheting thosepatterns.
Women Slippers Crochet 1.0
Mike Govrik
Apakah kaki Anda merasa sakit hati ataumerasaterbatas? Jika Anda menjawab ya, maka Anda mungkin akanmendapatmanfaat dari memakai sepatu lebar wanita. Namun, Andamungkinmenemukan bahwa sepatu lebar wanita dalam pasokan pendek ditoko,dan akibatnya, jika Anda menemukan pasangan, itu bisa jauhlebihmahal. Jika Anda memiliki waktu sulit menemukan womens sepatulebardijual dan tidak merasa membuat pembelian nyaman online,makasepatu pas tepat mungkin tidak menjadi pilihan saat ini. Selaluadapilihan meskipun. Lain kali Anda melakukan perjalanan ketokosepatu lokal Anda mempertimbangkan beberapa alternatif inicocokuntuk wanita mencari untuk menemukan sepatu yang lebih luasyangpas.Di luar sepatu formal, Anda mungkin ingin melihat di bagianputra.Ada banyak keuntungan untuk membeli sepatu pria. Andaakanmenemukan bahwa mereka dapat menjadi sangat nyaman dan akanmemberiAnda ruang ekstra di sekitar jari-jari kaki yang Andabutuhkan.Anda dapat menikmati mengenakan sepatu pria saat Andasedangmengemudi, duduk-duduk atau bahkan ketika Anda pergi keluardikota. Banyak perempuan gaya ini mirip dengan gaya laki-laki.sepatupria juga dapat ditemukan dengan desain yang sama dan gayasepertisepatu perempuan. Selalu ingat untuk mempertimbangkanpilihanAnda.Kadang-kadang pekerjaan Anda tidak akan memungkinkan Andauntukmemakai lebih alas kaki kasual. Jika Anda bekerja di kantorataumungkin sebuah restoran, Anda mungkin perlu memakai pompa.Dalamhal ini, buka sepatu kaki membuat alternatif yang baik.Merekarelatif murah, cocok di sebagian besar musim, dan jugaakanmeningkatkan sirkulasi udara dan membantu mencegah lecetdaninfeksi.Jika Anda seorang perawat Anda mungkin ingin sesuatu yang lebihbisadiandalkan dan tahan lama. Meskipun sepatu baja berkuku tidakakandiperlukan, jenis sepatu luar ruangan membuat pilihan yangtahanlama dan mudah dicuci. Hal ini dapat mencakup sepatu hikingataujenis lain dari sepatu atletik tahan lama. Biasanya jenis inisepatudatang dalam ukuran lebar lebar dan mungkin menjadi pilihanyangbaik.sandal tidak nyaman adalah hal terakhir yang Anda inginmemakai,tidak peduli apakah Anda seorang pria atau wanita. sandalwanitabisa sama tidak nyaman sepatu siang sehat Anda. Jika Andatahubagaimana untuk merajut atau merenda, Anda dapat menghemat uangdanmembuat beberapa sandal lebar. Dengan membuat sandal Andasendiri,Anda dapat memilih warna Anda sendiri dan benanguntukpersonalisasi mereka untuk cocok Anda terbaik. Anda bahkanbisamembeli beberapa flanel atau berbagai jenis kain untukberbarissandal baru Anda.Pasal Sumber: http://EzineArticles.com/5142109
Wedding Cake Toppers 1.0
Mike Govrik
When it comes to wedding cake decor,mostcouples choose to adorn their wedding cake with a cake topperofsome kind. Wedding cake toppers come in many forms and can beasdifferent as the couples who choose them. From elegant monogramstofun and humorous cake toppers, you'll find something uniquetocrown your wedding cake in style and put a personal touch onyourwedding cake.Here are the main types of wedding cake toppers:Floral Wedding Cake ToppersAs flowers are such a big part of weddings, it's only naturalthatflowers would make their way atop wedding cakes too. Flowersaswedding cake toppers add natural beauty to wedding cakes andareperfect for any type of wedding that features flowers inotherareas like the bride's bouquet or table centerpieces. Floralcaketoppers can be created by a small tight bunch of blooms on thetopof the cake or a group of flowers cascading down theweddingcake.You can use silk or real flowers as a wedding cake topper. Ifyouuse natural blooms, be sure to use varieties that will remainfreshwithout water for a few hours. You don't want faded andwiltingflowers on top of your wedding cake.Humorous Wedding Cake ToppersIf you and your fiancé joke around a lot or want to lighten uptheseriousness of your wedding, there are wedding cake toppersthatwill give a sense of comedy to your wedding reception. You canfindlots of wedding cake toppers that will make you giggle.Humorouscake toppers are available that feature the bride andgroomclimbing up the wedding cake, the bride fishing for the groomandeven a cake topper where the bride drags the groom by the pantleg.Though they're certainly not for every couple, if you andyourfiancé have a fun sense of humor and want to lighten upyourwedding reception, a funny wedding cake topper will dothetrick.Monogram Wedding Cake ToppersMonograms are popping up everywhere in weddings these days andthetop of the wedding cake is no exception. Monogram weddingcaketoppers are a very elegant way to show pride in the names ofthebride and groom. Wedding cake toppers featuring monograms arealsoa great way to put a personal mark on your weddingreception.Monogram cake toppers generally feature the initial ofthe groom'slast name (which is the bride's new last name), but theycan alsobe a combination of the bride and groom's names.You can use a monogram as your wedding cake topper inseveraldifferent ways. The monogram can be created using spunsugar,flowers or you can purchase a monogram cake topper madefromplastic or lightweight metal.Traditional Wedding Cake ToppersThere's something very charming about a wedding cake topped withthetraditional bride and groom standing side by side. Traditionalcaketoppers give your wedding cake a very cute and retro look. Ifyou'rethinking that you and your fiancé aren't exactly thetraditionalbride and groom, that doesn't mean that you can't use atraditionalwedding cake topper. These days, retailers offerdifferent choicesof brides and grooms in every color, shape andsize. For couples whowant to give their wedding cake a touch ofclassic appeal, atraditional wedding cake topper is justright.With so many choices to top your wedding cake, you'll surely findawedding cake topper that will go perfectly with your cake.Thinkabout your personal wedding style and determine whichtopper,floral, humorous, monogram or traditional, is best to crownyourwedding cake.
Professional Makeup Tutorials 1.0
Mike Govrik
There's always an occasion for aprofessionalmakeup tutorial. Whether it is for a special event, animportantbusiness appointment or a date, every woman of any agewants tolook her best and seeks a professional makeuptutorial.Starting with the basics, first make sure you have alltheessentials, a concealer, foundation, eyeshadow, lipgloss,mascaraetc. You don't need to break the bank, just get what youcanafford.Follow the professional make-up artist's advice. Begin with acleanface, apply a toner and moisturizer. Use a moisturizerregardlessyour skin type, especially before summer make-up, use onewithsunscreen, avoiding the eye area. For more natural summermake-up,use a tinted moisturizer instead.As the professional makeup artists do, wait a few minutesaftercleaning your skin before putting it on. Use a foundationprimerall over your face and neck, to smooth your skin and allowthemakeup to last longer. For a natural look, summer orglamorousmakeup, follow the same steps for the application of theconcealerand foundation.Your concealer must be a tone lighter than your skin, apply itunderyour eyes. On the problem areas you need to conceal theredness ordiscoloration. Pat it lightly to blend. Then apply yourfoundation,remember it should not add color to your skin. Forsummer, make sureyour foundation matches your tanned skin, forbetter results use asheer foundation. Start at the hairline workyour way down to yourneck, and around the eye area. A foundationbrush will give you aprofessional makeup result. Use illuminatorto give your skin anatural, summer makeup look.To give your eyes a professional look use two shades ofeyeshadow.First apply a natural shade on the area from lashes toeyebrow, andthen a medium shade on the lower lid. For a naturallook usenatural tones, earthy shades. Use the lighter eyeshadow ontheeyelid and light brown shades on the corners. Pastel shades suchasgolden-green, or mango green are great choices for summermakeup.For smokey eyes use dark shades and apply a third darkershadealong the lash line to the outer corner of the eye. Use afluffbrush to blend in the shades. Lastly, apply eyeliner towardstheoutside corner, with gentle strokes along the lash line. Foraprofessional summer makeup look, use sheer skin enhancer onyoureyes, cheeks and d?colletage for a bright and naturalglow.If you have an eyelash curler use it before the mascara. Foranatural look you may not need to apply any mascara. Using thetipof the wand apply the mascara to the ends of your lashes inanupward direction.Finish off with a bronzer on cheekbones and chin to give yourselfabeautiful summer makeup, or a blush for natural makeup.Yourlipstick should follow the natural lip line. Apply lipstickorgloss with a brush.To complete your professional makeup use pressed powder tolightlypowder your face, nose and under the eyes. Whether you wantanatural look, summer makeup, or glamorous one you follow thesamesteps for the application of the concealer and foundation buttheeyeshadow must be chosen appropriately. Some professionaltutorialadvice; to go from daytime makeup into something moreglamorous forevening, just add more blush, black eyeliner for moredramaticeyes. Finally, go for a classic red lipstick.Keep in mind the difference between day makeup, night makeup,andspecial occasions. Day makeup is light and tinted withneutralcolors. Night makeup has stronger colors. Special occasionstakespecial items like false eyelashes, liquid liners, andhighlightingunder the eyes for professional makeup tutorialsespecially aroundholidays and celebrations.
DIY Photo Frame Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
There are many DIY, easy artwork ideasthatanyone can do without spending a lot of money. A littlecreativityand elbow grease can go a long way and make a big impactwhencreating artwork for your home.Framed Fabric ArtFraming fabric is such an easy artwork idea that anyone candowithout spending a lot of money. If you've already got fabricandpicture frames lying around, then this is a FREE way to addartworkand change up your walls. Simply adhere your fabric withwith sprayadhesive or fabric glue to a piece of card stock orcardboard andinsert into the frame. Buying fabric for this projectshouldn'tcost much because you don't need a large amount. If youhave an oldframe that doesn't quite match the fabric you want touse, a fewcoats of spray paint will transform it for just a fewdollars.Thrift stores are also great places to find cheap frames topaint.Create a grouping of coordinating fabrics, use a matte, orlet oneframe stand on its own. Use your creativity to come up withyourown unique and affordable DIY artwork piece.Books and CalendarsBooks and calendars are such a great place to find inexpensiveDIYartwork. If you are not opposed to tearing pages out of a book,youcan find some amazing treasures to adorn your walls. Justcarefullytear out and cut to size. Pop it in a frame and there yougo. Thesame goes for calendars. Use books and past calendars youalreadyhave, or shop the clearance section of any bookstore. Thisalsoworks great for kids rooms. Just frame pages of afavoritechildren's book. Try using something that looks vintage oranursery rhyme themed book to add some charm. If there isaparticular artist or piece of artwork you just adore, butcannotafford, search for a book with those artist's images andframethose instead. You will save money and still have beautifulartworkto enjoy.Use PaintThere is no need to hang anything on your walls if you go boldwithyour paint. DIY artwork doesn't get much easier than this.Create apattern of painted squares on your wall, or let a singlesquarestand on its own. Use painters tape and a level to achieve anevensquare pattern. You can get quite creative using differentcolors,sizes and arrangements. If you want a variety of colors, butdon'twant to fork out the money for that many cans of paint, tryusing asample size instead. They are usually only two to fivedollars persample and come with more than enough paint for thisproject. Mostof them come in a flat finish, but if you wantsomething a bit moreshiny, gently rub some wipe-on poly (availableat any homeimprovement store) over each square before removingyourtape.Pressed BotanicalsJust take a walk outside and you'll find everything you needtocreate your own pressed botanical artwork. This project couldn'tbeeasier. Try to find greenery, leaves, and flowers that willlayflat. Hold up the greenery to your frame and trim to sizeifnecessary. Then place it between two pages of a book(preferableone you don't care too much about as the pages may warpor wrinkleslightly). You can play with the shape of the botanicalby curvingit to the right or left before closing the book. Stacklots ofheavy books on top and let it sit for a whole week. Gentlyremoveand secure to your background paper with a little rubbercement.Just use enough to keep it from sliding in the frame. That'sallthere is to it. Pressed botanicals look great and providemoreimpact when hung together in a grouping. So get outside andgatherall the FREE DIY artwork you want. To save money on frames,switchout pictures from frames you already have or use spray painttogive thrift store frames a brand new look.
White Dress Ideas 1.0
Mike Govrik
Are you someone who could pass as aWinterBeauty or maybe a Snow Princess? Well, you can be withthisgorgeous and fancy dress idea. You will be the belle of theballwearing this beautiful gown.One of our most beautiful and incredible fancy dress ideas isourWinter Princess look. This is especially great for a partywhereguests will be in costume. This Winter look is elegant andclassy,and will draw every eye in the room. Here's how you createthismasterpiece.First you need to choose a long and flowing white gown. Youmaychoose sleeveless dress, ankle length, with a elegant wrap.Onethat is flowing and with a lot of extra material is perfectforwinter. You want to convey the feeling of a cold winters day,withsnow blanketing the ground.A dress with silver sparkly or shimmering rhinestones is areallybeautiful idea. White sequins are also positively stunningwhenyou're dressing as Winter. Next, you want to pin your hair upin aclassic style, leaving small wisps of hair hanging down, thatyouwill curl into ringlets.This will add a beautiful classy look with your face framedthisway. You can also look for a great silver hair clasp, andearringsthat are left over from Christmas are great. If you havesome whitesnowflake earrings, that is perfect.Your next step will be to add some hair jewels or pins in yourhairthat will sparkle. This is one of the great fancy dressideas,because this will give the 'snowflakes in your hair'effect.Then you want to make your eye make-up either frosty white,orshimmering blue. Put a really pale pink on your lips. Then topitwith a shimmering lip gloss for the finishing touch. You canaddshimmer lotion to your face and body so that you look frostyandcold.Now for the shoes, you need white or silver and you now haveanelegant winter dress. Another one of the greatest fancy dressideasfor Winter is to add some small Christmas or Hanukkahdecoration'icicles' to your dress.I am referring to the plastic ones, not the silver ones you seeforChristmas trees. You can quickly stitch them so that they willhangfrom various areas of your dress.
DollHouse Designs 1.0
Mike Govrik
Want to make your furniture pop? Trygoinggreen A great reason for choosing green dollhouse furniture isthatit adds variety and mixture that not only stands out, buthelpsother pieces and designs look unique. We have found that it isthequirky pieces of furniture that we have loved the most, andgreenas quirky as it may be can really add to yourdollhouseexperience.White Dollhouse FurnitureTraditionally WHITE FURNITURE remained in bathrooms andbedrooms,but recently there has been an increase in the popularityof thiscolor. One reason that it has attracted a lot of buyers isthat iscan fit into any current dollhouse design. White iseasilymaintained, cleaned, and restored.understanding Dollhouse Scales: Half InchWhen you buy a furniture item, you want to make sure it willfitcorrectly in your dollhouse. Dollhouse scales help you know youaregetting the right size. At Dollhouse City, unless the title ofthefurniture item tells you it is ½ inch or ¼ inch, the item isbuilton a 1 inch scale.This furniture piece has a half inch scale, otherwise known as1:24.Every inch of dollhouse furniture is equivalent to 24 inchesof realfurniture. For example, a dollhouse dresser that is 2inches tallrepresents a 4 foot tall real dresser. In other SCALES,such as 1inch and quarter inch, different sizes would representthat samedresser.If you do not know the SCALE of furniture you need foryourdollhouse, use a ruler to determine the floor-to-ceiling heightonthe bottom floor of your dollhouse. An 8-12 inch height means itisbuilt on a 1 inch scale. If it uses a half inch scale, theheightwill be from 4 to 6 inches; quarter inch scale dollhouseshaveheights of 2-3 inches.Enjoying Modern Dollhouse Furniture DesignDid you know that they make modern dollhouse furniture?Moderndollhouse furniture is molded after contemporary designs.Moderndesign has a unique feel to it, and we suggest that if youareinterested in this route that you plan your entire dollhousewithMODERN FURNITURE to keep a certain amount of consistency.Poly-resin Material for DollhousesOne of the newest materials to hit the miniature marketispoly-resin. Ploy-resin is exactly what is says that it is -ablended material of polyester and resin, and works quite wellinmodeling. By using poly-resin with your dollhouse furnitureyouwill get a very solid detail without having to worry aboutfabricor color fading.Laundry and Sewing RoomsLaundry and sewing rooms are really fun to add to yourdollhousebecause they get a lot of attention For old-fashioneddollhouses, asewing room will fit right in; in more moderndollhouses, thelaundry room is a perfect addition. Each room needsjust a coupleaccessories, like a thread BOX or an ironing board, todraw theadmiration of any onlookersUnderstanding Dollhouse Scales: Inch ScaleWhen you buy a furniture item, you want to make sure it willfitcorrectly in your dollhouse. Dollhouse scales help you know youaregetting the right size. On this website, all furniture items areona 1 inch scale unless the title of the item says otherwise.Themost popular scale for both furniture and dollhouses is the 1inchscale.